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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Parts of speech

Hallo fellas :))

With me again, Riri.
Well, the previous post I told u all about my self and now I'm gonna tell u guys about the another thing, that is the basic thing in English. We know that there are million words in any language, including English. Let's keep your eyes peeled on this :) Do you know each of those words have the different kind or classification?
Some words express "action", other words express "characteristic", another words express "thing", and etc. I give u an example:

She always gets offend easily when someone is staring at her.

Each part of that words above has its own job, and we want to create or make a sentence even more, we use the different types of word. The words that we use can be divided into 8 classes or types. These types are called "PARTS OF SPEECH".

Here they are:
1. Noun , a noun is a type of word that represents a person, thing, or place, like father, orange, or valley.

2. Verb , a verb is a type of word that describes an action or a state of being, like pray, compare, jump, be (am, is, are), have or talk.

3. Pronoun , a pronoun is sustitute for a noun. Some pronouns are: I, me, you, he, him, it, they, them, we, etc.

4. Adjective , an adjective is a word describes something (a noun). Some adjectives are : big, tall, yellow, silly, beautiful, etc. One special types of adjective is an article, a word that introduces a noun and also limits or clarifies it; in English, the indefinite articles are "a" and "an", the definite article is "the".

5. Adverb , an adverb is a word that tells how, when, where, or how much. Some adverbs are: easily, warmly, quickly, mainly, freely, often, always, and unfortunately.

6. Preposition , a preposition shows how something is related to another word. It shows the spatial (space), temporal (time), or logical relationship of an object to the rest of sentence. The words above, near, at, by, after, with and from are prespostions.

7. Conjunction , a conjuction is a word that joins other words, phrases, clauses or sentences. Some conjunctions are: and, as, because,butm or, since, so, until, and while.

8. Interjection , an interjection is a word that expresses emotion. An interjection often starts a sentence but it can be contained within a sentence or can stand alone. some interjections are oh, wow, ugh, hurray, eh, and ah.

That brief explanation above hopefully can help u in understanding and analyzing sentences because it's quite important to recognize parts of speech. It also helps u to construct good sentences.

So, that's enough for now :)) don't forget to put your comment after read this article. If u scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. :D

Adios amigos ^^

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