Enjoy the articles ^^


Here I wanna share about my English community, it's not only a community but it's more than that. We're like a big familiy. My English community named KEy ( Khatulistiwa English Communty). We do a lot of activities and programs together, sharing knowledge and information, having fun, and etc.

Do you eager to know what is KEy about? :)
Have a look !

Passion, commitment and the strong willingness to always keep our English are the underlying reasons to answer the question above. With remarkable spirit Lisa Ferawati, Dessy Wulandari, Septian Adinegara, Umi Rahimah, Fajrina Hasni and Siti Hajaroh discussed about studying, maintaining and improving English without neglecting fun activities in it. Finally with motto “A Bridge to the World”, Khatulistiwa English Community (KEy) was founded on October 19, 2008.

The only man of KEy founder, Septian Adinegara added that KEy is built to give people the place where they give their heart and soul to practice, to improve, and to maintain English. Also to strengthen togetherness among the youth in West Kalimantan.

We are very glad and proud of all members who survive in KEy ‘till today. Members with extraordinary endeavors are the main factor of why KEy is still standing up straight now. KEy Smart Traveling to Singapore 2012 is the highest achievement of KEy which has been truly through one of bridges to the world. Just want to have fun, so KEy members, let's preserve this commitment, we want to have fun in KEy, not to compete or to defeat, prefer sharing and giving.....

That's some story about KEy, did you see the picture above? It was in Singapore, KEy smart travelling, but at that time I couldn't go because I had teaching practice. huaaaa,, poor me. But, Insya Allah we will have a smart travelling again next year in 2014, we're going to Thailand. Sounds yummy, right? uuuuu,, heheheh

So, are you interested to join my community? It would be a grander if you guys want to spend some of your time in our community ^_^

You can see more about KEy :
blog : http://keycommunityzone.blogspot.com/
FB : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Khatulistiwa-English-Community/130838166621?fref=ts

Hooooo, I also have some pictures about our activities. Please take a look! :D

In Lemukutan Island :D

Be a broadcaster in Radio Kita,, holaa 87,6 FM Pontianak

^ Photo season ^

article about KEy in Tribun Newspaper

Meet & greet with Mr. Adi Mursalin in Quick Chicken

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